Instructor Name

Mr Nengang Charles




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Course Requirements

  1. Target Audience: Who are you trying to reach with this description? Beginners, students, professionals, or a general audience?
  2. Course/Content Focus: What specific area of economics does this describe? Is it microeconomics, macroeconomics, financial economics, etc.?
  3. Unique Value Proposition: What makes this stand out from other economics resources? Is it comprehensive, interactive, focused on a specific application, etc.?
  4. Desired Outcome: What do you want people to do after reading the description? Click through to a course, learn more about a specific topic, etc.?

Course Description

  • Economics is a social science that studies how individuals, societies, and governments allocate scarce resources. It is a broad field that encompasses many different topics, such as markets, prices, production, consumption, and economic growth.
  • Economics courses can be very quantitative. They often involve math, statistics, and graphing.
  • Economics courses can also be very theoretical. They often involve studying models of economic behavior.
  • There are many different types of economics courses available. Some courses focus on specific topics, such as money and banking or international trade. Other courses are more general, such as principles of economics or economic development.

Course Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding:

  • Gain a fundamental understanding of key economic concepts and principles like scarcity, opportunity cost, markets, supply and demand, market failure, etc.
  • Understand the different economic systems and their characteristics.
  • Learn about the major economic events and their impact on individuals, societies, and the global economy.
  • Recognize the various tools and techniques used to analyze economic data and draw conclusions.

Analysis and Application:

  • Critically evaluate economic arguments and information from various sources.
  • Apply economic theories and models to analyze real-world problems and policy issues.
  • Interpret and use economic data to draw conclusions and support arguments.
  • Develop problem-solving skills in an economic context.

Communication and Collaboration:

  • Effectively communicate economic information in written and oral formats.
  • Participate in discussions and debates about economic issues with diverse perspectives.
  • Collaborate with others to develop and present economic solutions.

Personal and Professional Development:

  • Cultivate critical thinking and analytical skills applicable to various aspects of life.
  • Develop quantitative and data analysis skills valuable in diverse fields.
  • Enhance your understanding of current economic issues and their potential impact on your future.

Additionally, depending on the specific course:

  • Introductory courses: might focus on foundational knowledge and basic skills like graphing and interpreting economic data.
  • Intermediate courses: might delve deeper into specific areas like microeconomics, macroeconomics, or econometrics, developing analytical and application skills.
  • Advanced courses: might explore specialized topics, research methodologies, or economic policy analysis, fostering critical thinking and independent research skills.

Course Curriculum

1 Structure of the examination
9 Min

Number of subjects: Candidates can typically take between 4 and 11 subjects. Some boards impose limitations on specific combinations or the maximum number of optional subjects. Subject types: Subjects are broadly categorized as "core" and "optional". Core subjects are mandatory, often including English, Mathematics, and a combination of science and humanities. Optional subjects allow for individual interests and career paths. Paper types: Each subject usually consists of 1-3 written papers. The number of papers and their format (multiple choice, essays, practical tests) depend on the subject's nature. For example, science subjects might have practical components along with written exams. Examination duration: Each paper typically lasts 1-3 hours. Overall structure: The GCE Ordinary Level examination is usually held once a year and takes place over a period of several weeks. Assessment: Each paper is assigned a mark, and these marks are combined to determine the overall grade for each subject. Grading scales vary by country and board, but typically use letter grades (A-F) or numerical scores. Here are some additional points to consider: Some countries offer alternative assessment options for certain subjects, such as coursework or project-based work. Private candidates who haven't attended formal schooling can also take the GCE Ordinary Level exam. The GCE Ordinary Level qualification is internationally recognized and can be used for further education or employment opportunities.

2 Question 1 June 2023
14 Min

Clarify the wording: If the question is unclear or ambiguous, let me know and I'll help you break it down and identify the key elements. Identify the type of question: Is it a definition, calculation, application, evaluation, or something else? Understanding the question type helps you approach it with the right strategy. Relate the question to relevant concepts: I can help you recall the relevant economic concepts, theories, and models that apply to the question.

3 Question 2 June 2023
11 Min

Clarify the wording: If the question is unclear or ambiguous, let me know and I'll help you break it down and identify the key elements. Identify the type of question: Is it a definition, calculation, application, evaluation, or something else? Understanding the question type helps you approach it with the right strategy. Relate the question to relevant concepts: I can help you recall the relevant economic concepts, theories, and models that apply to the question.

4 Question 3 June 2023
10 Min

Clarify the wording: If the question is unclear or ambiguous, let me know and I'll help you break it down and identify the key elements. Identify the type of question: Is it a definition, calculation, application, evaluation, or something else? Understanding the question type helps you approach it with the right strategy. Relate the question to relevant concepts: I can help you recall the relevant economic concepts, theories, and models that apply to the question.

5 Question 4 JUNE 2023
13 Min

Read the question carefully and thoroughly. Make sure you understand what is being asked before you start answering. Identify the key points in the question. What information are you being given? What are you being asked to do? Use your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Apply what you've learned in class and from your studies to answer the question. Organize your answer logically. Make sure your answer is clear, concise, and well-structured. Support your answer with evidence. Use examples, data, or other relevant information to back up your claims. Proofread your answer carefully. Check for any mistakes in grammar, spelling, or punctuation

6 Question 5 JUNE 2023
12 Min

Read the question carefully and thoroughly. Make sure you understand what is being asked before you start answering. Identify the key points in the question. What information are you being given? What are you being asked to do? Use your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Apply what you've learned in class and from your studies to answer the question. Organize your answer logically. Make sure your answer is clear, concise, and well-structured. Support your answer with evidence. Use examples, data, or other relevant information to back up your claims. Proofread your answer carefully. Check for any mistakes in grammar, spelling, or punctuation

7 Question 6
10 Min

Read the question carefully and thoroughly. Make sure you understand what is being asked before you start answering. Identify the key points in the question. What information are you being given? What are you being asked to do? Use your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Apply what you've learned in class and from your studies to answer the question. Organize your answer logically. Make sure your answer is clear, concise, and well-structured. Support your answer with evidence. Use examples, data, or other relevant information to back up your claims. Proofread your answer carefully. Check for any mistakes in grammar, spelling, or punctuation

8 Question 1 JUNE 2022
12 Min

Read the question carefully and thoroughly. Make sure you understand what is being asked before you start answering. Identify the key points in the question. What information are you being given? What are you being asked to do? Use your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Apply what you've learned in class and from your studies to answer the question. Organize your answer logically. Make sure your answer is clear, concise, and well-structured. Support your answer with evidence. Use examples, data, or other relevant information to back up your claims. Proofread your answer carefully. Check for any mistakes in grammar, spelling, or punctuation

9 Question 2 June 2022
11 Min

Read the question carefully and thoroughly. Make sure you understand what is being asked before you start answering. Identify the key points in the question. What information are you being given? What are you being asked to do? Use your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Apply what you've learned in class and from your studies to answer the question. Organize your answer logically. Make sure your answer is clear, concise, and well-structured. Support your answer with evidence. Use examples, data, or other relevant information to back up your claims. Proofread your answer carefully. Check for any mistakes in grammar, spelling, or punctuation

10 Question 3 JUNE 2022
9 Min

Read the question carefully and thoroughly. Make sure you understand what is being asked before you start answering. Identify the key points in the question. What information are you being given? What are you being asked to do? Use your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Apply what you've learned in class and from your studies to answer the question. Organize your answer logically. Make sure your answer is clear, concise, and well-structured. Support your answer with evidence. Use examples, data, or other relevant information to back up your claims. Proofread your answer carefully. Check for any mistakes in grammar, spelling, or punctuation

11 Question 4 JUNE 2022
11 Min

Gather resources: Collect past papers, marking schemes, and any available study guides related to your GCE subject. Understand the syllabus: Ensure you know the key topics and learning objectives covered in your exam. Organize your materials: Create a system for categorizing past papers by topic, year, or question type. Analyzing past questions: Review the marking scheme: Understand how marks are allocated for different question types and what is expected in a high-quality answer. Identify common question types: Analyze past papers to identify recurring question formats and themes. Break down questions: Divide questions into smaller parts: identify the key concept, required analysis, and specific points to address.

10 Min

Read the question carefully and thoroughly. Make sure you understand what is being asked before you start answering. Identify the key points in the question. What information are you being given? What are you being asked to do? Use your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Apply what you've learned in class and from your studies to answer the question. Organize your answer logically. Make sure your answer is clear, concise, and well-structured. Support your answer with evidence. Use examples, data, or other relevant information to back up your claims. Proofread your answer carefully. Check for any mistakes in grammar, spelling, or punctuation

13 Question 6 JUNE 2022
11 Min

Read the question carefully and thoroughly. Make sure you understand what is being asked before you start answering. Identify the key points in the question. What information are you being given? What are you being asked to do? Use your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Apply what you've learned in class and from your studies to answer the question. Organize your answer logically. Make sure your answer is clear, concise, and well-structured. Support your answer with evidence. Use examples, data, or other relevant information to back up your claims.

14 Question 7 JUNE 022
11 Min

Read the question carefully and thoroughly. Make sure you understand what is being asked before you start answering. Identify the key points in the question. What information are you being given? What are you being asked to do? Use your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Apply what you've learned in class and from your studies to answer the question. Organize your answer logically. Make sure your answer is clear, concise, and well-structured. Support your answer with evidence. Use examples, data, or other relevant information to back up your claims.

15 Question 8 JUNE 2022
9 Min

Read the question carefully and thoroughly. Make sure you understand what is being asked before you start answering. Identify the key points in the question. What information are you being given? What are you being asked to do? Use your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Apply what you've learned in class and from your studies to answer the question. Organize your answer logically. Make sure your answer is clear, concise, and well-structured. Support your answer with evidence. Use examples, data, or other relevant information to back up your claims.

16 JUNE 2021 PAPER 2
13 Min

Read the question carefully and thoroughly. Make sure you understand what is being asked before you start answering. Identify the key points in the question. What information are you being given? What are you being asked to do? Use your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Apply what you've learned in class and from your studies to answer the question. Organize your answer logically. Make sure your answer is clear, concise, and well-structured. Support your answer with evidence. Use examples, data, or other relevant information to back up your claims.


Mr Nengang Charles

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0 Reviews
4 Students
2 Courses

·         Government awards of 50,000 FRS in 2009 and 2010 for good academic performances.

·         Promoted from a teacher to head of department. 2015-2017.

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