Instructor Name

Mr Njoh Elvis




5 (1 Rating)

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Course Requirements

Willing to study form 4  biology

Have a Pass Mark of  Form 3 syllable 

Course Description

This course delves into the fascinating world of nutrition, exploring how living organisms obtain and utilize essential nutrients for growth, development, and energy production. It aligns with the Cameroon Form 4 Biology syllabus, providing a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts and processes involved in nutrition.

Course Objectives:

  • Distinguish between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition: Understand the different ways organisms obtain food, including photosynthesis in plants and digestion in animals.
  • Analyze the composition of food: Explore the various types of nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals) and their roles in metabolic processes.
  • Delve into the digestive system: Discover the structure and function of the human digestive system, from food intake to waste elimination.
  • Examine the importance of enzymes: Understand the role of enzymes in breaking down food molecules and facilitating absorption of nutrients.
  • Investigate human dietary needs: Explore the recommended daily intake of different nutrients based on age, gender, and activity level.
  • Analyze the impact of diet on health: Discuss the relationship between diet and chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • Uncover the importance of balanced nutrition: Learn about the principles of healthy eating and how to create a balanced diet for optimal health.

Course Outcomes

  • Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles of nutrition.
  • Students will be able to analyze and apply nutritional knowledge to real-world scenarios.
  • Students will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the context of nutrition.
  • Students will be empowered to make informed decisions about their own diet and health.

This course is designed to be engaging, informative, and relevant to students' lives in Cameroon. It lays the foundation for further study in related fields, such as medicine, public health, and food science.

Please note: This course description is a general overview and may be subject to slight variations depending on the specific school and curriculum.

Course Curriculum

1 Introduction to Nutrition
7 Min

Welcome to the fascinating world of Nutrition! Nutrition is the study of how living organisms obtain and utilize food for growth, development, and energy production. It's all about the amazing journey of food from your plate to your cells, and how it fuels your body and mind!

2 Autotrophic Nutrition
8 Min

Autotrophic Nutrition: This is where organisms like plants and some bacteria can make their own food using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Imagine plants as tiny food factories powered

3 Photosynthesis
8 Min

Photosynthesis: Nature's Powerhouse in Plants Photosynthesis is the magical process by which plants capture sunlight and transform it into energy, fueling their own growth and sustaining virtually all life on Earth. It's like a tiny solar panel factory humming away inside those leafy green wonders! Photosynthesis in a Nutshell: Sunlight + Water + Carbon Dioxide ----> Glucose + Oxygen The Importance of Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis is far more than just a plant's personal energy-generating scheme. It's the foundation of life on Earth, playing a crucial role in: Photosynthesis All food chains ultimately trace back to the energy captured by plants through photosynthesis. Oxygen production: Photosynthesis replenishes the oxygen in the atmosphere, making it possible for us and other animals to breathe. Climate regulation: Plants absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, during photosynthesis, helping to mitigate climate change. Understanding photosynthesis is not just about appreciating the beauty of plants; it's about recognizing the interconnectedness of life on Earth and the vital role these green powerhouses play in sustaining our planet.

4 Important of Photosynthesis
8 Min

Photosynthesis, a process occurring in plants and some other organisms, is more than just a scientific term. It's the very engine that drives life on our planet, a vibrant ballet of sunlight, water, and air that sustains not just plants themselves, but all living creatures that depend on them.

5 Testing a leaf for starch
6 Min

Plants, unlike us, don't directly consume the sugars they create through photosynthesis. Instead, they cleverly convert some of it into starch, a readily available energy store for when sunlight is scarce. This starch becomes like a tiny pantry within the leaf, holding reserves for rainy days (or cloudy hours

6 Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis
7 Min

Light: Intensity: Increased light boosts rate up to a saturation point, then plateaus. Quality: Red and blue wavelengths most efficient for photosynthesis. Duration: Longer daylight hours generally increase total photosynthesis over a day. Carbon Dioxide: Concentration: Increased CO2 boosts rate up to a saturation point, then plateaus. Availability: Open stomata needed for CO2 intake, but also leads to water loss. Temperature: Optimal range: Enzymes work best within a specific temperature range. Extremes: Too low or high temperatures slow down enzyme activity. Water: Availability: Sufficient water needed for enzyme function and turgor in leaves. Stress: Closed stomata due to drought limit CO2 intake and photosynthesis. Nutrients: Deficiencies: Lack of nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, etc. can impair enzyme function. Adequate soil quality or fertilization enhances enzyme activity and photosynthesis. Other factors: Oxygen concentration: High levels can inhibit photosynthesis in some plants. pH: The acidity or alkalinity of the environment can affect enzyme activity and nutrient uptake. Plant species: Different species have varying photosynthetic capacities and adaptations. I hope this point-form list provides a clear and concise overview of the key factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis. Do let me know if you'd like further details on any specific factor!

7 An experience to prove that O2 is given off during photosynthensis
6 Min

Ever wondered where the fresh air we breathe comes from? The answer lies in the vibrant green world surrounding us, and their hidden superpower: photosynthesis. But how can we actually prove that plants exhale oxygen, the very breath of life? This simple experiment lets you become a scientific detective and unveil the bubbly secret of photosynthesis!

8 An experience to prove that CO2 is necessary for photosythensis
7 Min

Ever wondered if plants truly rely on carbon dioxide (CO2) to fuel their leafy magic? This simple experiment lets you play detective and unveil the crucial role CO2 plays in photosynthesis!

9 An experience to prove that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis
6 Min

Ever wondered why plants are green? It's not just a fashion statement, my friend! That vibrant hue holds the key to a crucial ingredient in the magic of photosynthesis: chlorophyll. This simple experiment lets you play detective and unveil the vital role chlorophyll plays in this life-sustaining process.

10 Heterotrophic Nutrition lesson
9 Min

Heterotrophic nutrition – it's a fancy way of saying "how we get our food." But unlike plants that magically conjure up energy from sunlight, we humans, and most other animals, rely on a fascinating journey of consuming and utilizing pre-made organic molecules. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a delicious and informative exploration of this essential process!

11 Dietary requirement by man lesson 12 part 1
8 Min

This journey through the components of a balanced diet is not just about learning facts; it's about empowering you to make informed choices about your food, fostering a positive relationship with nutrition, and fueling your body for optimal health and well-being. Join us on this delicious adventure, and learn how to build a balanced diet that nourishes your body, mind, and soul!

12 Dietary requirement by man part 2
9 Min

This course is not just about learning facts about carbohydrates; it's about empowering you to make informed choices about your food, build a healthy relationship with this essential macronutrient, and navigate the often-confusing world of nutrition with confidence.

13 Dietary requirement by man lesson 12 part 3
10 Min

This course is not just about learning facts about carbohydrates; it's about empowering you to make informed choices about your food, build a healthy relationship with this essential macronutrient, and navigate the often-confusing world of nutrition with confidence.

14 Dietary requirement by man lesson 12 part 4
10 Min

Lipids and proteins, often overshadowed by the glamorous carbohydrates, are the unsung heroes of the macronutrient world. In this course, we'll peel back the layers of these fascinating molecules, revealing their crucial roles in building, fueling, and protecting our bodies.

15 Dietary requirement by man lesson 12 part 5
8 Min

Vitamins - tiny molecules, often hiding in plain sight, yet wielding immense power over our health. In this course, we'll embark on a microscopic adventure, demystifying the world of vitamins and revealing their crucial roles in keeping our bodies running smoothly.

16 Dietary requirement by man lesson 12 part 6
8 Min

Mineral salts and roughage - often overshadowed by flashy vitamins and protein, these unsung heroes of animal nutrition play a crucial role in keeping our furry friends happy and healthy. In this course, we'll peel back the layers of these misunderstood elements, revealing their vital contributions to animal well-being. The Mineral Marvels: Discover the essential mineral salts, from the bone-building calcium to the nerve-conducting sodium. We'll delve into their unique roles in various bodily functions, like muscle contraction, enzyme activation, and fluid balance. You'll learn how different mineral needs vary across species and life stages. Roughage: More than just Bulk: Unmask the power of roughage, often mistaken for mere filler. We'll explore its importance for digestive health, gut bacteria, and even dental hygiene. You'll learn how the right type and amount of roughage keeps your animal's digestive system running smoothly and prevents health problems.

17 Dietary requirement by man part 7
7 Min

We drink water, we cook with it, we bathe in it – water seems all around us, yet its role within food itself often goes unnoticed. In this course, we'll dive deeper than the glass, unveiling the hidden power of water as a crucial component of food and its essential functions within our bodies. The H2O Hero: Explore the fundamental role water plays in food. We'll delve into its structure, unique properties, and how it acts as a solvent, a transporter, and a temperature regulator within food items. You'll appreciate how this seemingly simple molecule holds the key to food's texture, flavor, and even safety.

18 Digestion in mammal lesson 13 part 1
9 Min

Have you ever wondered what happens to that juicy burger once it slides down your throat? This fascinating course takes you on a voyage through the digestive system of mammals, revealing the incredible journey food takes from plate to poop!

19 Digestion in mammal lesson 13 part 2
9 Min

The mouth – it's the gateway to flavor, the tool for speech, and the first stop on your food's epic journey. But beyond the obvious, lies a hidden world of remarkable processes and fascinating structures within the buccal cavity – the fancy term for your mouth! In this course, we'll dive deep into this wonderland, uncovering the secrets of this vital part of your anatomy.

20 Digestion in mammal lesson 13 part 3
9 Min

This course is not just about learning facts; it's about appreciating the amazing complexity of our inner workings, understanding how we extract energy from food, and fostering a healthy relationship with what we eat. Join us on this informative and sometimes hilarious journey through the mammalian digestive system, and prepare to have your mind blown by the incredible feats of digestion!


Mr Njoh Elvis

5 Rating
1 Reviews
2 Students
1 Courses

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GCE - O LEVEL Biology


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