Instructor Name

Mr Manga Kizito




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Course Requirements

General Biology Requirements:

  • Introductory Biology: This is typically a two-semester sequence that covers the fundamentals of biology, including cell biology, genetics, biochemistry, evolution, and ecology.
  • Laboratory Classes: Most biology programs require students to take laboratory classes alongside their lecture courses. These labs provide students with hands-on experience with biological concepts and techniques.
  • Chemistry: A strong foundation in chemistry is essential for understanding biological processes. Most biology programs require students to take at least one year of general chemistry, and some may require organic chemistry as well.
  • Mathematics: Math skills are also important for biologists, as they are used in data analysis, modeling, and other quantitative aspects of biology. Most biology programs require students to take at least one semester of college-level math, such as statistics or calculus.
  • Electives: In addition to the core requirements, most biology programs allow students to choose from a variety of elective courses that focus on specific areas of biology, such as microbiology, genetics, ecology, or animal physiology.

Course Description

Core Topics:

  • Living World: Explore the characteristics and diversity of living organisms, from microscopic cells to complex ecosystems.
  • Cell Structure and Function: Unravel the secrets of the "basic unit of life," understanding its components, organization, and processes.
  • Nutrition and Respiration: Discover how living things capture and utilize energy for survival, exploring different feeding strategies and respiration mechanisms.
  • Transport in Plants and Animals: Learn how materials move within organisms, ensuring vital functions like nutrient delivery and waste removal.
  • Homeostasis and Reproduction: Examine how organisms maintain internal stability and perpetuate their species through various reproductive strategies.
  • Genetics and Inheritance: Unlock the mysteries of genes and DNA, understanding how traits are passed on from generation to generation.
  • Evolution and Biodiversity: Appreciate the remarkable diversity of life on Earth and gain insights into how species change and adapt over time.
  • Ecology and the Environment: Investigate the intricate relationships between organisms and their environment, exploring issues like sustainability and conservation.

Course Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding:

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of fundamental biological concepts in various areas like cell biology, genetics, evolution, ecology, and the human body.
  • Explain key biological processes and their significance in living organisms.
  • Analyze and interpret scientific data and information presented in various formats.
  • Apply biological knowledge to real-world situations and solve problems related to environmental issues, health, and other relevant contexts.


  • Conduct well-designed experiments, collect and record data accurately, and analyze results using appropriate methods.
  • Utilize scientific equipment and resources responsibly and safely while following ethical guidelines.
  • Communicate scientific findings effectively through written reports, presentations, and discussions.
  • Work collaboratively with others in laboratory settings and group projects.
  • Formulate well-supported arguments and conclusions based on scientific evidence.

Course Curriculum

1 Definition and importance of nutrition
5 Min

Nutrition in biology is a vast and fascinating field that explores how living organisms acquire and utilize food for their growth, maintenance, and reproduction. It encompasses various aspects, from the cellular level of nutrient uptake and metabolism to the ecological interactions between organisms and their food sources

2 Types of Nutrition
7 Min

Nutrition in biology is a vast and fascinating field that explores how living organisms acquire and utilize food for their growth, maintenance, and reproduction. It encompasses various aspects, from the cellular level of nutrient uptake and metabolism to the ecological interactions between organisms and their food sources

3 Photosynthesis
7 Min

Photosynthesis is the fundamental process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria capture light energy from the sun and convert it into chemical energy in the form of sugar. This sugar, glucose, is the fuel that sustains life on Earth, directly or indirectly, by providing energy for all living organisms


Mr Manga Kizito

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0 Students
1 Courses

  • Educator: Biology teachers primarily function as educators, responsible for conveying knowledge and understanding of biological concepts to their students. This involves delivering lectures, demonstrations, and leading discussions, catering to different learning styles and needs.
  • Facilitator of Scientific Exploration: They go beyond simply imparting information. They encourage curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills by designing and guiding laboratory experiments, projects, and investigations.
  • Assessor: Evaluating student learning through tests, quizzes, assignments, and observations is another crucial aspect. This helps track progress, identify areas for improvement, and offer personalized feedback.
  • Motivator and Role Model: Inspiring students' interest in biology and fostering a love for science is significant. This can involve incorporating real-world applications, connecting concepts to everyday life, and demonstrating enthusiasm for the subject.

Qualities and Skills:

  • Deep understanding of biology: A strong foundation in biological principles and their interconnectedness is essential. They should be able to explain complex concepts clearly and accurately, adapting their approach to different student levels.
  • Effective communication skills: The ability to explain complex ideas in a way that is engaging, understandable, and relatable to students is paramount. This includes using appropriate language, analogies, and visual aids.
  • Passion and enthusiasm: A genuine passion for biology and a desire to share that passion with their students can be highly contagious and motivating.
  • Patience and empathy: Recognizing individual learning styles, addressing different needs, and providing support for students who struggle are important aspects of being an effective teacher.
  • Organizational and time management skills: Lesson planning, managing classroom activities, grading assignments, and maintaining records require strong organizational skills and the ability to effectively manage time.

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GCE OL Biology


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