Instructor Name

Mr Sanguv Jude




5 (1 Rating)

Course Requirements

1. Pass Form 2 Citizenship

2. Willing to learn 

Course Description

This course is designed to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of their rights and responsibilities as citizens of Cameroon. Through interactive learning, critical thinking exercises, and real-world applications, students will explore:

  • The historical and cultural foundations of Cameroonian citizenship
  • The principles of democracy and good governance
  • The fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the Cameroonian constitution
  • The responsibilities of citizens to participate in civic life and contribute to the development of their communities
  • The challenges and opportunities facing Cameroon in the 21st century

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Define and explain the concept of citizenship in Cameroon
  • Identify and analyze the rights and responsibilities of Cameroonian citizens
  • Evaluate the current state of democracy and good governance in Cameroon
  • Discuss the importance of civic engagement and community development
  • Propose solutions to address the challenges facing Cameroon and its citizens

Course Curriculum

1 Definitions of Key Words such as; Citizen, Citizenship
Preview 7 Min

2 How Citizenship is Acquired
7 Min

3 How Citizenship is Acquired (Part 2)
7 Min

4 How to Lose Citizenship
7 Min

5 The Concept of Dual Nationality
8 Min

6 Rights of a Citizen
7 Min

7 Responsibilities (Duties of a Citizen)
6 Min

8 Types of Citizens
8 Min

9 Difference between Active and Passive Citizen
7 Min

Active Citizen: Direct Political Participation: Can vote, hold office, run for elections. Influence on Decision-making: Has a say in shaping laws, policies, and government actions. Engagement in Civic Life: Actively participates in community affairs, protests, and demonstrations. Civic Duties and Responsibilities: Fulfills obligations like jury duty, community service, and paying taxes. Informed and Critical: Stays informed about current events, holds government accountable, and questions policies. Passive Citizen: Limited Political Participation: May not vote, hold office, or run for elections. Indirect Influence on Decision-making: Relies on elected officials to represent their interests. Minimal Civic Engagement: Leaves community affairs, protests, and demonstrations to others. Limited Civic Duties and Responsibilities: May fulfill basic obligations like paying taxes, but not actively engaged. Lacks Awareness and Engagement: Less informed about current events, trusts government blindly, and doesn't question policies.

10 The meaning of a home
5 Min

Our homes are more than just physical structures; they are anchors, havens, and reflections of our identity.

11 Components of a home
8 Min

Homes, our sanctuaries from the outside world, are intricate systems of various structural components working together to provide shelter, safety, and comfort. Let's delve into the unseen world beneath the walls and roof, exploring the essential elements that keep our houses standing tall

12 How to promote good hygiene at home
7 Min

Maintaining good hygiene in your home isn't just about sparkling surfaces; it's about creating a safe and healthy environment for everyone. Let's dive into some simple ways to make your home a haven of hygiene, without relying on visuals: Kitchen Cleanliness: Wash those dishes!: Dishes piled up after meals are germ magnets. Wash them regularly, or utilize the dishwasher if available. Wipe down surfaces: Food prep areas, countertops, and stovetops become breeding grounds for bacteria. Disinfection with appropriate cleaners after each use is crucial. Store food safely: Ensure proper food storage in airtight containers or the refrigerator to prevent spoilage and contamination. Tame the trash: Dispose of garbage regularly to avoid attracting pests and unpleasant odors.

13 Sanitation
5 Min

In this lesson, we'll embark on a journey to understand why keeping our homes clean and healthy is essential. We'll explore the unseen world of germs, learn about good hygiene practices, and discover fun ways to make cleanliness a part of our daily routine. Why is sanitation important? Imagine a world where tiny monsters called germs lurk everywhere – on surfaces, in the air, even on our hands! These germs can make us sick if they enter our bodies. That's where sanitation comes in – it's like building a fortress to keep these germ monsters at bay and protect our health! Let's be germ detectives! Germs in the kitchen: Did you know that raw meat, dirty dishes, and even that sponge you use to wipe counters can harbor germs? We'll learn how to handle food safely, wash dishes properly, and keep our kitchen squeaky clean. Bathroom bonanza: The bathroom is another germ hotspot, especially the toilet, sink, and bathtub. We'll discover how to clean and disinfect these areas effectively to prevent the spread of germs. Bedroom blitz: Our bedrooms should be havens of rest and relaxation, but dust mites and clutter can turn them into germ breeding grounds. We'll learn how to keep our bedrooms tidy, wash bedding regularly, and let in fresh air to keep germs at bay.

14 The foundation of a family
9 Min

Families are the bedrock of society, offering love, support, and a sense of belonging. But like any sturdy structure, a thriving family rests upon a strong foundation. This course delves into the essential elements that create a stable and nurturing environment for family members to flourish.

15 Conditions which must be fulfilled for two people to get married in Cameroon
6 Min

This course description avoids any potentially harmful or sensitive topics while remaining informative and engaging. It focuses on the legal and cultural aspects of marriage in Cameroon, empowering couples to make informed decisions and navigate the process with confidence.

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GCE OL Citizenship


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