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Course Requirements

Assessing your understanding of key concepts and your ability to apply them.

Course Description

Welcome to the exciting world of economics! This course will equip you with the fundamental knowledge and analytical skills to understand the dynamic and complex world of economies, with a specific focus on Cameroon.

Through interactive lectures, engaging discussions, and real-world case studies, you'll gain insights into:

  • Scarcity and Choice: Explore the fundamental problem of scarcity and how individuals and societies make choices under constrained resources.
  • Supply and Demand: Understand the forces that drive market prices and determine the allocation of resources in a market economy.
  • Microeconomics: Analyze individual decision-making by consumers and firms, market structures, and government intervention.
  • Macroeconomics: Gain a holistic view of the economy as a whole, focusing on national income, inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.
  • Development Economics: Examine the specific challenges and opportunities faced by developing economies like Cameroon, focusing on poverty reduction, infrastructure development, and sustainable development.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain key economic concepts and apply them to real-world scenarios.
  • Analyze economic data and draw meaningful conclusions.
  • Critically evaluate economic policies and their potential impact.
  • Develop persuasive arguments and engage in productive discussions about economic issues.
  • Apply your economic knowledge to understand the specific economic landscape of Cameroon.

Course Curriculum

1 Course Presentation
Preview 1 Min

1 Introduction to the Nature and Scope of Economics
5 Min

2 Definition and Characteristics of Key terms
7 Min

3 Economics as a Social Science
7 Min

4 Definition of basic economic
9 Min

5 Measures of central tendency
10 Min

6 Introduction to Utility
10 Min

7 Application (Illustration) of Utility
9 Min

8 Basic Economic Problems or Questions
7 Min

9 Economic Systems
11 Min

10 Traditional Economic Systems
8 Min


Mr Kebianyo Solomon Arrey

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1 Students
1 Courses

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GCE OL Economics


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