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Mr Nengang Charles




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Course Requirements

Assessing your understanding of key concepts and your ability to apply them.

Course Description

Welcome to the exciting world of economics! This course will equip you with the fundamental knowledge and analytical skills to understand the dynamic and complex world of economies, with a specific focus on Cameroon.

Through interactive lectures, engaging discussions, and real-world case studies, you'll gain insights into:

  • Scarcity and Choice: Explore the fundamental problem of scarcity and how individuals and societies make choices under constrained resources.

  • Supply and Demand: Understand the forces that drive market prices and determine the allocation of resources in a market economy.

  • Microeconomics: Analyze individual decision-making by consumers and firms, market structures, and government intervention.

  • Macroeconomics: Gain a holistic view of the economy as a whole, focusing on national income, inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.

  • Development Economics: Examine the specific challenges and opportunities faced by developing economies like Cameroon, focusing on poverty reduction, infrastructure development, and sustainable development.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain key economic concepts and apply them to real-world scenarios.

  • Analyze economic data and draw meaningful conclusions.

  • Critically evaluate economic policies and their potential impact.

  • Develop persuasive arguments and engage in productive discussions about economic issues.

  • Apply your economic knowledge to understand the specific economic landscape of Cameroon.

Course Curriculum

1 The theory of Demand and Supply
12 Min

This course dives deep into the fundamental economic principles of demand and supply, exploring how they interact to determine market prices and resource allocation. You'll gain a comprehensive understanding

2 The theory of Demand
13 Min

Welcome to the exploration of demand! This course delves into the fundamental principles driving consumer behavior and its impact on markets. What you'll learn: The Law of Demand: This core concept establishes the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. You'll explore various explanations for this behavior, including the concepts of diminishing marginal utility and consumer budget constraints. Factors Affecting Demand: We'll go beyond price and dive into other factors that influence consumer decisions. This includes income levels, substitute and complementary goods, expectations, tastes and preferences, advertising, and government policies. Demand Curve and Elasticity: Understand how demand changes are visually represented through the demand curve. We'll also analyze the concept of elasticity, measuring the responsiveness of demand to price changes. Applications of Demand Theory: Gain practical insights into how demand theory applies to real-world scenarios. You'll explore its use in business decision-making, market analysis, government policy design, and economic forecasting.

3 Market Demand Schedule
11 Min

Welcome to the exploration of demand! This course delves into the fundamental principles driving consumer behavior and its impact on markets. What you'll learn: The Law of Demand: This core concept establishes the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. You'll explore various explanations for this behavior, including the concepts of diminishing marginal utility and consumer budget constraints. Factors Affecting Demand: We'll go beyond price and dive into other factors that influence consumer decisions. This includes income levels, substitute and complementary goods, expectations, tastes and preferences, advertising, and government policies. Demand Curve and Elasticity: Understand how demand changes are visually represented through the demand curve. We'll also analyze the concept of elasticity, measuring the responsiveness of demand to price changes. Applications of Demand Theory: Gain practical insights into how demand theory applies to real-world scenarios. You'll explore its use in business decision-making, market analysis, government policy design, and economic forecasting.

4 Types of Demand
9 Min

Welcome to the exploration of demand! This course delves into the fundamental principles driving consumer behavior and its impact on markets. What you'll learn: The Law of Demand: This core concept establishes the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. You'll explore various explanations for this behavior, including the concepts of diminishing marginal utility and consumer budget constraints. Factors Affecting Demand: We'll go beyond price and dive into other factors that influence consumer decisions. This includes income levels, substitute and complementary goods, expectations, tastes and preferences, advertising, and government policies. Demand Curve and Elasticity: Understand how demand changes are visually represented through the demand curve. We'll also analyze the concept of elasticity, measuring the responsiveness of demand to price changes. Applications of Demand Theory: Gain practical insights into how demand theory applies to real-world scenarios. You'll explore its use in business decision-making, market analysis, government policy design, and economic forecasting.

5 The theory of Demand
8 Min

Welcome to the exploration of demand! This course delves into the fundamental principles driving consumer behavior and its impact on markets. What you'll learn: The Law of Demand: This core concept establishes the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. You'll explore various explanations for this behavior, including the concepts of diminishing marginal utility and consumer budget constraints. Factors Affecting Demand: We'll go beyond price and dive into other factors that influence consumer decisions. This includes income levels, substitute and complementary goods, expectations, tastes and preferences, advertising, and government policies. Demand Curve and Elasticity: Understand how demand changes are visually represented through the demand curve. We'll also analyze the concept of elasticity, measuring the responsiveness of demand to price changes. Applications of Demand Theory: Gain practical insights into how demand theory applies to real-world scenarios. You'll explore its use in business decision-making, market analysis, government policy design, and economic forecasting.

6 The theory of Demand
12 Min

Welcome to the exploration of demand! This course delves into the fundamental principles driving consumer behavior and its impact on markets. What you'll learn: The Law of Demand: This core concept establishes the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. You'll explore various explanations for this behavior, including the concepts of diminishing marginal utility and consumer budget constraints. Factors Affecting Demand: We'll go beyond price and dive into other factors that influence consumer decisions. This includes income levels, substitute and complementary goods, expectations, tastes and preferences, advertising, and government policies. Demand Curve and Elasticity: Understand how demand changes are visually represented through the demand curve. We'll also analyze the concept of elasticity, measuring the responsiveness of demand to price changes. Applications of Demand Theory: Gain practical insights into how demand theory applies to real-world scenarios. You'll explore its use in business decision-making, market analysis, government policy design, and economic forecasting.

7 Supply and Supply schedule
10 Min

By taking this course, you will gain valuable insights into the workings of supply and demand, empowering you to make informed decisions and navigate the intricacies of the market

8 Market supply schedule and supply curve
10 Min

This course delves into the fundamental concepts of market supply, equipping you with the tools to analyze how goods and services move through an economy. Through a blend of theoretical explanations and real-world examples, you'll gain a clear understanding

9 Exceptional or abnormal supply curve
12 Min

Exceptional or Abnormal Supply Curvem This course delves into the intricacies of supply curves that defy the standard law of supply, where higher prices lead to increased quantity supplied. Here, we'll explore the theoretical underpinnings and real-world examples of these "exceptional" or "abnormal" supply behaviors.

10 Determinants of supply
8 Min

11 Types of supply
8 Min

12 Equilibrium price and price control
9 Min

This course explores the fundamental forces that determine prices in a market economy, focusing on the interplay of supply and demand and the concept of equilibrium price. Additionally, it delves into the potential consequences of government intervention through price controls.

13 Market price (equilibrium price)
16 Min

This course delves into the fascinating world of market price, also known as equilibrium price, where the invisible hands of supply and demand meet. You'll explore the fundamental forces that shape prices, gain valuable insights into market dynamics, and unlock essential tools for analyzing and predicting price movements

14 Effects of changes in demand and supply on the equilibrium price and quantity
10 Min

This course delves into the dynamic interplay between demand and supply forces, exploring how their fluctuations impact the market equilibrium point of price and quantity.

15 Equilibrium price and economic welfare
10 Min

Course Description: Demystifying the Equilibrium Price: Where Supply Meets Demand This course unravels the captivating dance between supply and demand forces to uncover the equilibrium price, the magical point where the market finds its balance. Course Objectives: Dive into the world of supply and demand: Understand the fundamental forces that drive buyers and sellers in any market. Conquer the demand curve: Grasp how consumer preferences, income, price changes, and other factors influence what people are willing and able to buy. Master the supply curve: Explore how production costs, technology advancements, input prices, and other factors determine what producers are willing and able to sell. Find the perfect balance: Discover the equilibrium price, the sweet spot where the quantity demanded perfectly matches the quantity supplied, creating market stability. Explore the dynamic market: Analyze how changes in consumer preferences, production costs, and other factors can shift the supply and demand curves, causing the equilibrium price to dance around. Predict the future (sort of): Learn to anticipate how price adjustments occur in response to market imbalances, gaining valuable insights into real-world scenarios

16 continuation of maximum price control
10 Min

Course Objectives: Unpack the different forms of price control: Explore minimum price floors, maximum price ceilings, and other interventions used to influence market prices. Demystify the rationale behind price control: Understand the diverse objectives governments pursue, such as promoting social welfare, stabilizing markets, or ensuring essential goods affordability. Analyze the effects of price control: Evaluate the short- and long-term impacts on producers, consumers, market efficiency, and overall economic health. Weigh the trade-offs and controversies: Discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of price control, including unintended consequences, black markets, and bureaucratic challenges. Examine real-world case studies: Explore practical examples of how price control has been implemented in various industries and countries, analyzing its successes and failures. Engage in critical thinking and debate: Formulate your own informed opinions on the role and effectiveness of price control in achieving diverse policy goals.

17 Maximum price control
12 Min

Course Objectives: Unpack the different forms of price control: Explore minimum price floors, maximum price ceilings, and other interventions used to influence market prices. Demystify the rationale behind price control: Understand the diverse objectives governments pursue, such as promoting social welfare, stabilizing markets, or ensuring essential goods affordability. Analyze the effects of price control: Evaluate the short- and long-term impacts on producers, consumers, market efficiency, and overall economic health. Weigh the trade-offs and controversies: Discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of price control, including unintended consequences, black markets, and bureaucratic challenges. Examine real-world case studies: Explore practical examples of how price control has been implemented in various industries and countries, analyzing its successes and failures. Engage in critical thinking and debate: Formulate your own informed opinions on the role and effectiveness of price control in achieving diverse policy goals.

18 Practical application
10 Min

Course Objectives: Unpack the different forms of price control: Explore minimum price floors, maximum price ceilings, and other interventions used to influence market prices. Demystify the rationale behind price control: Understand the diverse objectives governments pursue, such as promoting social welfare, stabilizing markets, or ensuring essential goods affordability. Analyze the effects of price control: Evaluate the short- and long-term impacts on producers, consumers, market efficiency, and overall economic health. Weigh the trade-offs and controversies: Discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of price control, including unintended consequences, black markets, and bureaucratic challenges. Examine real-world case studies: Explore practical examples of how price control has been implemented in various industries and countries, analyzing its successes and failures. Engage in critical thinking and debate: Formulate your own informed opinions on the role and effectiveness of price control in achieving diverse policy goals.

19 Price elasticity of demand
14 Min

Master the concept of price elasticity of demand: Grasp how it measures the percentage change in quantity demanded in response to a percentage change in price. Differentiate between elastic and inelastic demand: Understand the factors influencing each category, from availability of substitutes to product necessity. Calculate and interpret elasticity coefficients: Employ formulas and real-world data to assess the sensitivity of demand to price changes. Analyze the impact of elasticity on pricing strategies: Learn how businesses leverage elasticity to maximize revenue and market share. Explore diverse applications: Examine how elasticity plays a role in various markets, from luxury goods to essential resources, and even policy interventions. Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills: Apply your understanding to analyze real-world scenarios and make informed decisions

1 Working Population
8 Min

Sure, here is a course description on working population structure in economics: Course Description: The working population structure is an important aspect of economics that deals with the composition of the labor force. It includes factors such as the age, gender, education, and skill level of workers. The working population structure can have a significant impact on a country's economic growth, development, and competitiveness. This course will provide an overview of the working population structure and its impact on the economy. Students will learn about the different factors that affect the working population structure, such as demographic trends, economic policies, and technological change. They will also explore the challenges and opportunities associated with different types of working population structures.

2 Population Structure
11 Min

This course provides an introduction to the study of population and its interaction with the economy. Students will learn about the major demographic trends that are shaping the world today, as well as the economic consequences of these trends. The course will cover a variety of topics

3 Population structure
8 Min

This course examines the intricate links between population structure and economic outcomes, exploring how shifts in demographics influence and are influenced by economic forces.

4 Population and Resources
9 Min

This course explores the complex interplay between human population dynamics, resource availability, and economic outcomes. It equips students with the knowledge and tools to analyze the critical challenges and opportunities at this intersection, both theoretically and empirically.

5 Optimum Population
9 Min

This course delves into the complex and crucial topic of optimum population in the context of economics. We will explore the historical development of population theories, critically evaluate different perspectives on optimum population size, and analyze its impact on economic growth, resource allocation, environmental sustainability, and individual well-being.

6 Over Population
9 Min

This course is designed for students interested in exploring the economic dimensions of overpopulation and its impact on our world. By engaging with rigorous analysis and open discussion, you will gain a deeper understanding of this complex challenge and equip yourself to contribute to constructive solutions.

7 Population and Resources part 2
10 Min

This course examines the complex interplay between population growth, resource allocation, and economic development. Students will explore how demographic trends, including population size, age structure, and migration patterns, influence the demand for and availability of resources such as land, water, energy, and minerals. We will analyze economic theories and models that explain how resource scarcity, environmental degradation, and technological advancements affect economic growth and prosperity.

8 Population thories
9 Min

This course delves into the dynamic interplay between demographics and economic systems, exploring various theoretical frameworks to understand how population changes impact, and are impacted by, economic forces.

9 Population theories part2
9 Min

This course delves into the dynamic interplay between demographics and economic systems, exploring various theoretical frameworks to understand how population changes impact, and are impacted by, economic forces.

10 Population theories part 3
9 Min

This course delves into the dynamic interplay between demographics and economic systems, exploring various theoretical frameworks to understand how population changes impact, and are impacted by, economic forces.


Mr Nengang Charles

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4 Students
2 Courses

·         Government awards of 50,000 FRS in 2009 and 2010 for good academic performances.

·         Promoted from a teacher to head of department. 2015-2017.

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