Instructor Name

Mr Akepe Keller




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Course Requirements

The GCE OL Geography Map Reading course in Cameroon equips students with the essential skills to interpret and utilize maps effectively. It helps them understand geographical concepts, analyze spatial relationships, and draw meaningful conclusions from map data. This course is crucial for success in the GCE OL Geography examination and lays the foundation for further geographical studies.

Course Description

The course content encompasses various aspects of map reading, including:

  • Map elements and symbols: Understanding different map projections, scales, legends, and symbols used to represent geographical features.
  • Grid references and bearings: Locating specific points on maps using grid references and calculating directions using bearings.
  • Topographical and thematic maps: Interpreting topographical maps to understand landforms, drainage patterns, and relief. Analyzing thematic maps like climate, vegetation, and population distribution maps.
  • Route planning and distance measurement: Planning routes considering geographical constraints and measuring distances on maps.
  • Geographical concepts: Application of map reading skills to understand concepts like erosion, deforestation, and urban growth.

Course Outcomes

By successfully completing the GCE OL Geography Map Reading course, students will:

  • Develop strong map interpretation skills: They will be able to decipher information from various types of maps accurately and efficiently.
  • Gain spatial awareness: They will understand the spatial relationships between geographical features and their impact on human activities.
  • Improve problem-solving and decision-making skills: They will be able to apply map reading skills to solve geographical problems and make informed decisions based on map data.
  • Enhanced performance in the GCE OL Geography examination: Strong map reading skills will significantly contribute to success in the exam.
  • Lay the foundation for further geographical studies: The course provides a solid foundation for pursuing higher education in geography or related fields.

Course Curriculum

1 Regular Shapes
Preview 8 Min

2 Irregular Shapes
11 Min

3 Directions on Maps
11 Min

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GCE OL Geography Map Reading


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