Instructor Name

Mr Sonna Jipling




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Course Requirements

Essential Requirements:

  • Attendance: Regularly attending classes or lectures is crucial for keeping up with the course material and participating in learning activities.
  • Completion of assignments: This might involve exercises, homework, quizzes, or projects to apply your understanding of the language.
  • Participation in class activities: Actively engaging in discussions, role-playing, and other interactive activities is essential for practicing communication skills.
  • Commitment to learning: Learning a new language requires effort and dedication. Expect to spend time outside of class practicing vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

Additional Requirements (may vary):

  • Textbook and learning materials: Specific textbooks, workbooks, or online resources might be required depending on the course curriculum.
  • Technology access: Some courses may require access to computers, tablets, or other devices for online learning platforms or interactive activities.
  • Language proficiency test: In some cases, you might need to take a placement test to determine your starting level and ensure appropriate course placement.
  • Prior language learning experience: Depending on the program, you might need existing knowledge of another language like English, especially for beginner courses.

Course Description

Unlock the World of German with This Engaging Course!

Are you interested in:

  • Expanding your communication skills by learning a new language?
  • Connecting with German culture and its rich history?
  • Boosting your career opportunities in an increasingly globalized world?

If so, this German language course is the perfect starting point for your journey!

Course Overview:

This beginner-friendly course provides a solid foundation in the German language, equipping you with the essential skills to understand, speak, read, and write basic German in everyday situations. Through a dynamic and interactive learning approach, you will:

  • Develop foundational grammar skills: Master sentence structure, verb conjugations, and essential vocabulary.
  • Build practical conversational skills: Learn to greet people, introduce yourself, ask and answer basic questions, and engage in simple conversations.
  • Explore different cultural aspects: Gain insights into German customs, traditions, and everyday life, allowing you to connect the language with its cultural context.
  • Practice your skills through diverse activities: Enhance your learning through engaging exercises, interactive games, role-playing activities, and authentic listening and reading materials.

Course Outcomes

Beginner Level:

  • Understand and respond to basic greetings and introductions.
  • Ask and answer simple questions about yourself and others.
  • Express basic needs and preferences in everyday situations.
  • Identify and use essential vocabulary related to common topics (e.g., greetings, family, numbers, colors, food, hobbies).
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of German grammar, including sentence structure and verb conjugations in the present tense.
  • Read and understand simple texts with familiar vocabulary and basic grammar structures.
  • Write short sentences and paragraphs about everyday topics.

Course Curriculum

1 Introduction
Preview 8 Min

This introduction is just the beginning! As you embark on this linguistic journey, you'll discover the beauty and complexity of the German language, opening doors to new experiences and perspectives. Ready to take the first step? Explore resources, find a course, or simply start with some basic greetings like "Guten Tag" (Good day) and "Hallo" (Hello)

2 Das Deutsche Alphabet
Preview 12 Min

Willst du die Grundlagen der deutschen Sprache erlernen? Dann beginne mit dem deutschen Alphabet! Dieser Kurs führt dich Schritt für Schritt durch die Buchstabenwelt des Deutschen. Du lernst dabei nicht nur die einzelnen Buchstaben kennen, sondern auch ihre korrekte Aussprache und Schreibweise. Was erwartet dich in diesem Kurs? Du lernst alle 26 Buchstaben des deutschen Alphabets kennen. Du übst die korrekte Aussprache jedes Buchstabens anhand von Hörbeispielen und Mitmachübungen. Du erfährst, wie die Buchstaben richtig geschrieben werden. Du lernst die Umlaute kennen, die es im Deutschen gibt (ä, ö, ü). Du kannst am Ende des Kurses das gesamte Alphabet aufsagen, schreiben und verstehen.

3 Continuation of das deutshe alphabet
Preview 13 Min

Kursbeschreibung: Das deutsche Alphabet Willst du die Grundlagen der deutschen Sprache erlernen? Dann beginne mit dem deutschen Alphabet! Dieser Kurs führt dich Schritt für Schritt durch die Buchstabenwelt des Deutschen. Du lernst dabei nicht nur die einzelnen Buchstaben kennen, sondern auch ihre korrekte Aussprache und Schreibweise. Was erwartet dich in diesem Kurs? Du lernst alle 26 Buchstaben des deutschen Alphabets kennen. Du übst die korrekte Aussprache jedes Buchstabens anhand von Hörbeispielen und Mitmachübungen. Du erfährst, wie die Buchstaben richtig geschrieben werden. Du lernst die Umlaute kennen, die es im Deutschen gibt (ä, ö, ü). Du kannst am Ende des Kurses das gesamte Alphabet aufsagen, schreiben und verstehen.


Mr Sonna Jipling

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0 Reviews
2 Students
1 Courses

A good language teacher possesses a blend of personal qualities, teaching skills, and knowledge that effectively guide students on their language learning journey. Here are some key qualities of a good language teacher:

Personal Qualities:

  • Passion for language: A genuine love for the language and its culture is contagious and motivates students to learn.
  • Patience and empathy: Language learning takes time and can be frustrating. A good teacher understands this and offers patience and support to students of all levels.
  • Enthusiasm and positive attitude: A positive and energetic teacher creates a stimulating learning environment that encourages participation and engagement.
  • Cultural awareness: Understanding and appreciating the cultural context of the language helps teachers connect with students and adapt their teaching strategies.
  • Respectfulness and inclusivity: Creating a safe and inclusive classroom environment where all students feel valued and respected is essential for fostering a positive learning experience.

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German language


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